Smart shopping with Giftmio extension

Instantly unlock cashback at over 10,000+ stores as you shop online to save up to $180 annually!

Never miss a cashback opportunity

while shopping online

Cashback notifications

Giftmio will alert you to cashback offers on store pages.

Shops with cashback

A quick search for online stores with cashback.

Search hints

See if online stores provide cashback in Google search results.

Install Giftmio now — save up to $180 on shopping annually!

How it works

Install the Giftmio extension and pin it to the toolbar

Go to Chrome store, install the Giftmio extension, and pin it to the toolbar.

Register or sign in

Click on the extension icon and sign in to your Giftmio account or create a new one.

Shop online as usual and get notified about cashback options

Giftmio extension will let you know if an online store provides a cashback option.

Activate cashback

Click the Giftmio icon in the browser toolbar to unfold the extension and activate cashback instantly.

Cashback will be activated for 1 hour, activate it again if your shopping took longer than 60 minutes.

Complete your purchase

Check out as you normally would. See the savings add up in your Giftmio account.
Start saving now!
Install the Giftmio extension and save up to $180 annually!


  1. Install the extension from the Google Chrome store
  2. Pin the Giftmio extension icon to the navigation bar.
  3. Register or sign in to your account.